As we travel toward the Big Dream, what are the ingredients for a happy, meaningful and successful journey for us and others?

We can see two types of mindset

  • ​Fixed mindset – Believing that your qualities are carved in stone—the fixed mindset—creates an urgency to prove yourself over and over.
  • Growth mindset – The growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Although people may differ in every which way—in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments—everyone can change and grow through application and experience.

Adopting a growth mindset is key. It allows us, to focus on the process. As, “We are not there yet, we are learning, we will get there.”

As we journey towards our Big Dream, here are ways to maintain a growth mindset:

  • Be curious and flexible.  We can leverage the power of “not knowing.” This opens up opportunities and allows for others to contribute to the efforts.
  • Believe in yourself and others. Confidence shows up when we focus on the journey to mastery. Confidence is also nurtured through action, learning and being willing to take calculated risks.
  • Embrace hope and compassion. Asking how we can best serve ourselves and others enhances our feelings of value, meaning and purpose.
  • Maintain a positive inner work life. This is essential for a happy journey. It enhances our sense of contributing valuable work to the process for both ourselves and those we lead.
  • Emphasize openness and ethics in the process. Are values stated clearly and understood by all stakeholders? Trust is critical for success, and this requires an open and inclusive process of input and feedback at every stage of the journey.
  • Keep up your health and energy. Being in good health and having balanced physiology in order to carry out this work is also vital to achieving higher-level goals. You need sufficient energy to take action, feel positive and perform at your best over time!

A growth mindset requires openness, aspiration (a hope or ambition of achieving something), self-awareness, curiosity, and vulnerability.

Get a short program to help yourself in your growth mindset here

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